We Offer

Transform Culture

Why Sympaserv’s Service Mindset Workshops?

All excellent activities of a company and the best product become worthless if the service mindset is weak. Service mindset is key to achieve superior loyal customers.

Why is it highly recommended for a company to use service mindset workshops? A company, that for example has decided to differentiate more through services, will mostly need to undertake a culture transformation process. Market researches unveil the fact of steady increasing consumer expectations in services from year to year. This fact also implies a need for cultural transformation in many companies. Service mindset workshops are an important instrument to go through such transformations and has a positive impact on both customers and employees.

This process typically starts in cooperation with the top levels and will be brought to all employees. It’s a continuous process, that’s why we enable your leaders to use effective instruments.
Does service mindset concern everyone? Indeed, no matter of the branch or the function within a company Sympaserv recommends to push service orientation within all functions of the company.

Sympaserv GmbH offers service mindset workshop programs, which can be run on a repeating mode in a frequency that we mutually define. The content of such a program is typically customized and may contain of the following service mindset modules:
One Language
Definition of service language: Company own service terms definition and streamline the actual culture.
Service Vision & Strategy
Understand the service vision and strategy the company has defined.
Take Responsibility
Understand the target culture, motivation of each employee to take personal initiative and push continuous improvements.
Do’s and Dont’s
Learn how individual’s behavior influences emotions: personal appearance, body language, gesture, voice, words, writing style, phone techniques, conflict situation handling and customer recovery strategies etc.
Service Experience
Service perception is an emotional thing: Learn to divide a company typical service into actions and moments of experience. Detect current issues.
Customer’s Voice
Invite end customers to give one to one feedback.
Celebrate Success
Reward and recognition of Services employees. Celebrate improvements or positive customer feedback.
Move Up
Continuous improvement plan. Learn about the improvement process and how it is tracked.

Participants receive a customized documentation with the results and action plan of each workshop.

Your benefit: Achieve a better end customer service experience. Resulting main benefits are the increase of end customer loyalty and -satisfaction, reduction of customer fluctuation, increase repeat purchases, reduce complaints cost, reduce escalation cost and increase employee engagement.

Contact us for a quote or a meeting.

Interim Management

Why Sympaserv’s Interim Management?

“Interim manager with leadership-, sales- and operations competence”

In exceptional situations modern companies rely on interim mangers. Are you looking for client focus driven and experienced service management professionals? If yes, you are at the right place here.

Possibly your management team’s resources are too short to cope with the leadership challenges in services or sales departments or to manage a change beside the daily business.

That’s where Sympaserv GmbH may jump in with interim management. Ask for the CV and availability of M. Biner here.

Companies that rely on accountable interim experts when facing special problems or even a crisis, clearly see the great value of new impulses and out of the box solutions.
Under which circumstances may an interim manager be the proper solution? Interim manger may be considered for a wide range of tasks. The spectrum may reach from bridging management vacancy over support during special situations (such as company founding, growth phase, change, crisis or turnaround) to project management or coaching of leaders.
An interim manger is temporary embedded in the company’s organization and works extremely target and realization oriented. That’s why Interim Management is an “implementation-strong-alternative” to consulting. The duration of such an assignment typically lasts between one month and up to twelve month and is based on a fixed daily rate (plus expenses).
Your benefit of Sympaserv’s Interim ManagementYou will simply be able to leverage potential despite a vacant position in your leadership team. For example a planned optimization program will not be suspended due to lack of leadership resources.

Contact us for a quote or a meeting, we are pleased to welcome you.


Experienced managers in sales and in operations are rare.
“This is our strength“

Service Business

In possession of vast experience in international services business of the power production branch, including troubleshooting, diagnosis, retrofit, project management, maintenance and commissioning.
Experienced in service strategy development, service design, service transition, service operation and -improvement in the ICT sector. Areas like network implementation, project management, maintenance, SLA management, managed services, service mindset trainings, ITIL V3 and service partner management is part of our know how.


Leadership experience of complex service and sales teams in an international environment. From small project teams up to service departments exceeding the size of 100 employees. Experienced in post merger integration, change mangement, cultural change, turnaround management and restructuring.

Sales and Head of Sales

Sales and Head of Sales experience in the complex infrastructure and services driven ICT sector: telecom-infrastructure solutions, system integration projects, maintenance contracts, project implementation and training for Communications Service Provider. 

Customer Crisis Management

Experience in crisis handling and troubleshooting management escalations after outages of business critical infrastructure at domestic and international customers.

Program Management

Leading efficiency program for large Enterprises in order to secure the planned safeings
Staffing and coaching of project manager teams with focus on methodology and problem solving instruments
Reset of “problem projects”


Energy production, Electro
IT and Telecommunications
Financial Services
Sports Equipment and Services

About Sympaserv

It’s a known fact that nowadays markets change fast, products get easy exchangeable or copied and therefore best in class services became a more important strategic success factor then ever before. Furthermore consumer expectation in your services is as high as never before and they are ready to change suppliers fast.

Sympaserv GmbH is specialized on this subject and supports companies in increasing their customer loyalty through the powerful instruments Interim Management and Service Mindset Workshops.
What is behind the name Sympaserv? Sympathic Services is what today’s customers expect and are a key success factor for all kinds of companies.

Sympaserv GmbH
Wichjeweg 14
3920 Zermatt


Sympaserv is the local partner of Azimut Consulting. Their methods are simple, yet profound especially when it comes to cultural change processes. More to find here:


Premium member of Swiss Interim Manager Association and member of asut 



A solid network: Skillpool®-Partner as well as partner of AcuentaBrainforce and further, well known Interim Management Providers




We help our clients to innovate their services in order they achieve highest customer loyalty results.


We commit to our company values:

Client focus: The center of all activities is our client and it’s customers. Sustanable customer satisfaction is our aim, that’s why we distinguish between instantaneous customer satisfaction and long term customer loyalty.

Loyal and result driven: We are very loyal towards our clients, always act result driven and guaranty the expected discretion. In our interim assignments we act as we where an internal leader. 

Leading by enthusiasm: Of course we generally follow the leadership guidelines of our customer. If these are open, we use a consultative leadership style where appropriate and lead through enthusiasm, empowerment and collaboration. We consequently call for results.

Respect: We respect all individuals as they are no matter what attitude, gender, mentality, education or culture they may have. If we detect conflicts at our client’s side we act as mediator in the direction of customer loyalty. 


Michael Biner (CEO / Interim Manager)

Bachelor of El. Engineering and postgraduate business degree in service management

31 years of work experience 

22 years experience in international services business

17 years experience in sales of services and infrastructure

23 years leadership experience whereof 12 on C-Level

Certified Service Champion, Up Your Service College

ITIL certified

Ask for detailed
CV and references.


Nokia Siemens Networks

"We knew Michael Biner as a talented manager and extremly skilled at quickly grasping new material and situations and drawing appropriate conclusions...Particularly noteworhy is his untiring diligence in managing his assigned team
M. K., ehem. Country Director

„Mit den Leistungen von Herrn Biner waren wir ausserordentlich zufrieden...Zu betonen sind ausserdem seine sehr guten Führungseigenschaften. Seinen Verantwortungsbereich hat er jederzeit sehr kompetent und mit grossem Einsatz wahrgenommen...er verstand es, seine Mitarbeitenden auf die Ziele seiner Abteilung auszurichten und sie anzuspornen...Im Weiteren wurde er von unseren Geschäftspartnern und Kunden ausserordentlich geschätzt.“
J. G., ehem. Head of Care Subregion Central East 

Swiss Federal Railways (SFR)

„...kann ich meine Empfehlung für Michael Biner abgeben. Ich habe lange mit ihm zusammen gearbeitet und er verfügt über eine hohe Fach- und Sozialkompetenz, ist loyal, verantwortungsbewusst und leistungsorientiert. Das besondere an seinem Profil: Er verfügt über Erfahrung im Energie- und Telecombereich! Ergänzend, er ist mehrsprachig!“
M. W., ehem. HR Business Partner

„Mit seiner hartnäckigen, entschlossenen und umsetzungsorientierten Arbeitsweise hat uns Michael Biner überzeugt. Er hat die initiierten Veränderungen, trotz der relativ langen Einsatzdauer und im wenig veränderungsgewohnten Umfeld, konsequent umgesetzt und weitergetrieben. Mit seinen erbrachten Leistungen und Ergebnissen sind wir sehr zufrieden. Michael Biner schaffte ein Klima von Offenheit und Respekt durch Einbezug der Mitarbeitenden in die Entwicklung und Zielerreichung...“
R. K., ehem. Leiter Logistik, SBB Infrastruktur AG


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